House Size 56 x 30 m, Inside-Out Style, Bare Concrete With Skylight & Small Pond

House Size 56 x 30 m, Inside-Out Style, Bare Concrete With Skylight & Small Pond

For anyone who is thinking of renovating a house or thinking of making a house beautiful and modern Loft is another option for many people It is a style that answers the question for those who like a bare, raw, cool, unique house Today we’re going to share some ideas, take a look and apply them and sparks you to decorate your home to be unique

Architects: Terra e Tuma Associated Architects
Area : 170 sq m
Year : 2015
Photo: Nelson Kon


Simple and discreet exterior unplastered brick wall

Inside is an open and airy space with a garden and a small pond


The entrance is visible from anywhere in the house


The bedroom was connected to a courtyard designed to create a small pond

The indoor living area is also designed in bright and modern tones

There is a small garden with various types of ornamental plants to create more intimacy with nature



Alternating large hall design area on both floors full of light planted with green trees


Being very green, the house becomes more lively and creates a feeling of fresh and cool air





Floor Plan


Cr Archdaily


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