Lively Tiny House Design 4 m x 56 m (214 sq ft)

Lively Tiny House Design 4 m x 56 m (214 sq ft)

There are numerous tiny house designs However, the are also many tiny house designs that looks so cramped, making us really feel alive in small limited box This is not the case with Lead’s house plan & designs Built on a 4 m x 56 m plot of land, or 214 square feet This tiny house has a charming exterior like a house in general An interior that comfortably supports the lives of its residents  More details, here is Lively Tiny House Design 4 m x 56 m (214 sq ft)

Lead’s house plan & designs

The house’s facade design takes a traditional style Front elevation with a main door on the side, glass windows, and terrace with solid terrace This elevation front will look like a simple house in general, making you not feel like you live in a tiny and cramped tiny house

Finishing color option

Other colors can be used to complete the look of the house in addition to white Consider the color pink The pink hue will exude a lovely soft and sweet vibe Good for those of you who want a warm place to live

Floor plan refence

Let’s see the floor plan and spatial planning of this house! You’ll get a front porch, a living and kitchen area with a size of 400 m by 23 m, bedroom with a size of 29 m by 26 m, bathroom with a size of 11 m by 22 mm and laundry area with a size of 11 m by 05 m


Living room design

Lead’s house plan & designs

You’ll get a living area with a size of 29 m by 23 m Here, you can place a couch Make the center wall more functional as a TV backdrop You can place a console table for the TV and attach shelves to put books and audio sets here From here, you can see that the interior design quite-spacious, not as small as imagined

Kitchen area with large windows

This is the kitchen layout in this tiny house Using minimalist and space-saving kitchen furniture Accents of brown and black create a contemporary look here Installing windows will make this small space appear brighter and larger that it really is


Bedroom design

This tiny house only has one bedroom With an elevated bed feature, you’ll get an additional living space here You can use the lower bunk as a workstation or dressing table In addition to a minimalist staircase, there is an open cabinet feature that can be used as a shoe rack, bag rack, and other things

Elevated bed feature

The upper bunk is definitely a bed Make sure to use a strong bunk bed or elevated bed frame So, you can store a thick mattress there This elevated bed is kept secure with railings that double as nightstands too

Bathroom design

Lead’s house plan & designs

This small bathroom uses white to create the illusion of space and light It is a good idea to install windows that will keep the room from being stuffy and too humid Use the blank wall to install wall-mounted like a sink, towel rack, or even toiletries rack



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